35.9. fcntlfcntl および ioctl システムコール

This module performs file control and I/O control on file descriptors. It is an interface to the fcntl() and ioctl() Unix routines. For a complete description of these calls, see fcntl(2) and ioctl(2) Unix manual pages.

All functions in this module take a file descriptor fd as their first argument. This can be an integer file descriptor, such as returned by sys.stdin.fileno(), or an io.IOBase object, such as sys.stdin itself, which provides a fileno() that returns a genuine file descriptor.

バージョン 3.3 で変更: 以前は IOError を送出していたこのモジュールの操作が、 OSError を送出するようになりました。


fcntl.fcntl(fd, cmd, arg=0)

Perform the operation cmd on file descriptor fd (file objects providing a fileno() method are accepted as well). The values used for cmd are operating system dependent, and are available as constants in the fcntl module, using the same names as used in the relevant C header files. The argument arg can either be an integer value, or a bytes object. With an integer value, the return value of this function is the integer return value of the C fcntl() call. When the argument is bytes it represents a binary structure, e.g. created by struct.pack(). The binary data is copied to a buffer whose address is passed to the C fcntl() call. The return value after a successful call is the contents of the buffer, converted to a bytes object. The length of the returned object will be the same as the length of the arg argument. This is limited to 1024 bytes. If the information returned in the buffer by the operating system is larger than 1024 bytes, this is most likely to result in a segmentation violation or a more subtle data corruption.

fcntl() が失敗した場合、 OSError が送出されます。

fcntl.ioctl(fd, request, arg=0, mutate_flag=True)

この関数は fcntl() 関数と同じですが、引数の扱いがより複雑であるところが異なります。

The request parameter is limited to values that can fit in 32-bits. Additional constants of interest for use as the request argument can be found in the termios module, under the same names as used in the relevant C header files.

The parameter arg can be one of an integer, an object supporting the read-only buffer interface (like bytes) or an object supporting the read-write buffer interface (like bytearray).

最後の型のオブジェクトを除き、動作は fcntl() 関数と同じです。

可変なバッファが渡された場合、動作は mutate_flag 引数の値で決定されます。

If it is false, the buffer’s mutability is ignored and behaviour is as for a read-only buffer, except that the 1024 byte limit mentioned above is avoided – so long as the buffer you pass is at least as long as what the operating system wants to put there, things should work.

mutate_flag が真 (デフォルト) の場合、バッファは (実際には) 根底にある ioctl() システムコールに渡され、後者の戻り値が呼び出し側の Python に引き渡され、バッファの新たな内容は ioctl() の動作を反映します。この説明はやや単純化されています。というのは、与えられたバッファが 1024 バイト長よりも短い場合、バッファはまず 1024 バイト長の静的なバッファにコピーされてから ioctl() に渡され、その後引数で与えたバッファに戻しコピーされるからです。

If the ioctl() fails, an OSError exception is raised.


>>> import array, fcntl, struct, termios, os
>>> os.getpgrp()
>>> struct.unpack('h', fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGPGRP, "  "))[0]
>>> buf = array.array('h', [0])
>>> fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGPGRP, buf, 1)
>>> buf
array('h', [13341])
fcntl.flock(fd, operation)

Perform the lock operation operation on file descriptor fd (file objects providing a fileno() method are accepted as well). See the Unix manual flock(2) for details. (On some systems, this function is emulated using fcntl().)

If the flock() fails, an OSError exception is raised.

fcntl.lockf(fd, cmd, len=0, start=0, whence=0)

This is essentially a wrapper around the fcntl() locking calls. fd is the file descriptor of the file to lock or unlock, and cmd is one of the following values:

  • LOCK_UN – アンロック

  • LOCK_SH – 共有ロックを取得

  • LOCK_EX – 排他的ロックを取得

When cmd is LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX, it can also be bitwise ORed with LOCK_NB to avoid blocking on lock acquisition. If LOCK_NB is used and the lock cannot be acquired, an OSError will be raised and the exception will have an errno attribute set to EACCES or EAGAIN (depending on the operating system; for portability, check for both values). On at least some systems, LOCK_EX can only be used if the file descriptor refers to a file opened for writing.

len is the number of bytes to lock, start is the byte offset at which the lock starts, relative to whence, and whence is as with io.IOBase.seek(), specifically:

  • 0 – ファイル先頭からの相対位置 (os.SEEK_SET)

  • 1 – 現在のバッファ位置からの相対位置 (os.SEEK_CUR)

  • 2 – ファイルの末尾からの相対位置 (os.SEEK_END)

The default for start is 0, which means to start at the beginning of the file. The default for len is 0 which means to lock to the end of the file. The default for whence is also 0.

以下に (全ての SVR4 互換システムでの) 例を示します:

import struct, fcntl, os

f = open(...)
rv = fcntl.fcntl(f, fcntl.F_SETFL, os.O_NDELAY)

lockdata = struct.pack('hhllhh', fcntl.F_WRLCK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
rv = fcntl.fcntl(f, fcntl.F_SETLKW, lockdata)

Note that in the first example the return value variable rv will hold an integer value; in the second example it will hold a bytes object. The structure lay-out for the lockdata variable is system dependent — therefore using the flock() call may be better.


os モジュール

もし os モジュールに os.O_SHLOCKos.O_EXLOCK が 存在する場合 (BSD のみ)、 os.open() 関数は lockf()flock() 関数を代替できます。